Codesign studio

CoDesign Studio (founded in 2010) is a design and placemaking consultancy based in Collingwood, Victoria, Australia. Operating as a social enterprise CoDesign Studio works with councils, property developers and communities to quickly transform any place using the principles of tactical urbanism.
CoDesign Studio began in 2010 as a group of multi-disciplinary designers who wanted to respond to community needs in urban planning. These designers saw that communities don't always know how to make their ideas happen, and that the design industry increasingly wanted to engage with community projects but lacked understanding of the right processes.
CoDesign developed a tactical urbanism methodology working on community development projects in India, Cambodia and Vietnam, although now works exclusively in Australia.
CoDesign Studio have worked on many of the first tactical urbanism projects in Australia, including the School of Life Pop Up Space in Collingwood, The Dodds Street Design Lab in Southbank and the One Small Change Streetscape Activity in West Dandenong.
CEO Lucinda Hartley speaks around the country on connecting people with place, and is a well-known figure in the industry.
Awards and recognition
CoDesign Studio have received many awards and recognition for their work including;
* PIA Awards for Planning Excellence, VIC Winner 2014
* Melbourne Design Awards, Winner 2014 Community Services
* PIA Awards for Planning Excellence, WA Winner 2013
* Melbourne Design Awards, Winner 2013 Installation Design
* Social Traders, The Crunch 2012
* The Age Melbourne Magazine ‘Top 100′ 2012
* Starbucks Shared Planet Award
* World Architecture Community Awards
* UN-Habitat, Youth Advisory Board
* International Youth Foundation - Global Youth Action Net Fellowship
* Young Social Pioneers - Foundation for Young Australians
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