
Codendi is an open-source collaborative development platform (also known as a ) offered by Xerox. Its features include bug tracking, versioning integration (Subversion and CVS), document/requirements management, reporting, tests, and various plugins. The "Labs Edition" is free, whereas the "Pro Edition" requires an unspecified annual subscription.
The general goals of the Codendi software are to organize software project processes, improve schedule management, increase software delivery quality, and favor collaboration between project teams. Additionally, its design is intended to facilitate the implementation of development methodologies such as Agile methods, Scrum, and CMMi.
Development of Codendi (formerly CodeX) began in 2000 at Xerox Research Centre Europe with the aim of bringing to the enterprise the ideas behind the success of open source projects: centralized implementation of tools and best practices, as well as collaboration between project teams. Initially, Codendi was based on the source code of SourceForge version 2.0 of November 2000.
On September 24 2008, Codendi received one of twelve "Lutèce d'Or" prizes in the category "Best Open Source Project Undertaken By A Big Company". This award was presented to Xerox by the French national open source software federation at the Paris Capitale du Libre 2008 conference.
See also
* SourceForge, code base that Codendi is based on
* Gforge, a related SourceForge fork
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