
Cockblocking is a male-to-male inhibitive action, which prevents another man from connecting with a woman that he has shown subtle interest in. In most circumstances, the Cockblock will also have an interest in the woman, but she is neutral or disinterested towards him. The blocker is therefore unlikely to gain an advantage from this action, but might actually be using the tactic as a Kamikaze action, simply to spoil someone else’s post-bar experiences.

This is typically a disruptive tactic employed by macho men who have few other strategies at their disposal.

The manoeuvre will be intentional, such as the blocker deliberately raising a past issue that he knows to cause embarrassment, physically intruding himself between the woman and the person he is blocking, or strategically spilling a drink over the person he is blocking.

A successful result is that the person being Cockblocked is subtly prevented from conversing with a woman that he is trying to get to know better. Simultaneously, the person blocked also finds himself in a bind, whereby on the one hand he cannot raise the issue in front of the group, without publicly expressing interest in the woman (thereby embarrassing her), and on the other hand he cannot confront the Cockblock without appearing to be acting irrationally to something that the blocker will always claim was accidental.
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