Clean Green Cayo

Clean Green Cayo is an environmental project led by the Rotaract Club of San Ignacio in Cayo District, Belize. The Rotaract Club is a youth service and leadership project carried out under the auspices of local Rotary Clubs and of Rotary International at large.
Clean Green Cayo aims primarily to educate and create a more eco-friendly mindset amongst the local community. This seven-phase environmental project will demonstrate to the community that people can take simple concrete actions to improve quality of life and to boost the local economy through a paradigm shift and through individual commitment to living more eco-friendly lives.
Seven Phase Environmental Project
*Phase 1 - Environmental Awareness Media Campaign
*Phase 2 - Creation of trench, berm and ficus tree wall
*Phase 3 - Reforestation in the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve
*Phase 4 - Highway and Riverside Adoption
*Phase 5 - Initiating Multi-institutional Recycling
*Phase 6 - Waste bin acquisition, distribution and promotion of use
*Phase 7 - Educational Campaign in school system
Ficus Friends
All volunteers involved in this project will be encouraged to become a "Ficus Friend" by pledging their commitment to the environment verbally and receiving the Ficus Friend Seminar which includes an introduction to Rotaract and Rotary International and The Four-Way Test, Best Eco-friendly practices and Public Speaking and Pedagogical Techniques when explaining the importance and benefits of protecting and conserving the vast biodiversity in the Cayo district.
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