Civil Marriage Trail

The Civil Marriage Trail is a campaign in the United States for the legal recognition of same-sex marriages.

Prior to bringing couples to Massachusetts to legally marry on May 17, 2004, the Civil Marriage Trail rallied advocates from New York on the steps of the Massachusetts State House to protest attempts to amend the state's constitution to ban same-sex marriages. It held a 'Pilgrimage of Solidarity' in March and participated in Pennsylvania's 1,138 Project, part of that state's SundayOUT Festival. We began in earnest by successfully bringing couples to marry in Canada in February, during Valentine's day weekend.

The Civil Marriage Trail worked to increase public support for our right to legal recognition in the United States of same-sex marriages in Canada. It continues to encourage and celebrate the right of LGBT people to marry so close to home. Canada is the fourth country in the world, besides the Netherlands and Belgium and Spain, to recognize full and complete marriage equality for same-sex couples. The organizers of CMT found there to be a cautionary tone surrounding couples' decision to travel to Canada and marry. The group wanted the LGBT community to be uplifted and empowered by this immense step forward for LGBT people. Finally, LGBT relationships were getting the recognition and respect they deserved! In this light, it held an educational forum in September and traveled to Canada this past Valentine weekend when U.S. same-sex couples were enthusiastically welcomed by our supporters in Toronto as they expressed the full commitment of their love and were married by Justice Harvey Brownstone. The event was immensely successful and moving as was its 'Pilgrimage of Solidarity' in March on the steps of Massachusetts' State House.
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