Church History Timeline

6 B.C. - 70 A.D. Apostolic Period
33 - Pentecost
49 - Jerusalem Counsel
69 Polycarp
70 - Temple Destroyed
70-312 A.D. Catholic Period
81 - 96 Diocletian
85 - 160 Marcion
100 - 165 Justin Martyr
150 - 215 Clement of Alexandria
156 Montanus
160 - 225 Tertullian
185 - 254 Origen
200 - 258 Novatian
256 - 336 Arius
266 - 302 St. Anthony
297 - 373 Athanasius
306 - 337 Constantine
312 - Melivan Bridge
312-590 A.D. Emperial Period
325 - Counsel of Nicea
347 - 395 Theodosius
347 - 420 St. Jerome
354 - 430 Augustine
375 - 454 Eutyches
381 - Counsel of Constantinople
387 - 460 Saint Patrick
397 - Counsel of Carthage
431 - Counsel of Ephesus
440 - 461 Leo I
451 - Counsel of Chalcedon
466 - 511 Clovis
476 - Fall of Rome
480 - 547 Benedict the Monk
540 - 604 Gregory the Great
578 - 604 Augustine of Canterbury
590-1517 A.D. Middle Ages Period
675 - 754 Boniface
742 - 814 Charles the Great
1054 - Papal Schism
1095 - Crusades
1328 - 1384 Wycliffe
1370 - 1415 Hus
1483 - 1546 Luther
1484 - 1531 Ulrich Zwingli
1495 - Diet of Worms
1509 - 1564 Calvin
1514 - 1572 John Knox
1517-1648 A.D. Reformational Period
1517 - 95 Theses
1520 - Lutheranism
1525 - Anabaptist
1618 - 30 Years war

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