Christopher Reburn

American Christopher Reburn (born November 15, 1979) is a psychic medium., spiritual teacher, public speaker and radio show personality.
Early life
Reburn was born in 1979 into an active Methodist family. Christopher's psychic abilities began to present themselves when he was 5 years ago, and Reburn gives a lot of thanks and dedication of his life work to his grandmother, who continues to be a main source of strength for him. Christopher is also a featured public speaker and has a weekly radio show called Conversations with Christopher on BlogTalkRadio. Reburn enjoys teaching and helping people with valuable intuitive guidance and spiritual counseling as well as creating tools to help those who are looking to increase their spirituality and psychic ability. Reburn's dedication to psychic children has helped many parents with the guidance they need to help their own gifted children and young adults.
Christopher Reburn has been an active psychic medium and spiritual counselor for over twenty years and continues to help those in search of their own inner spiritual truths by providing intuitive guidance and spiritual counseling. Christopher's clientele base spans over 30 countries and he has performed thousands of readings for clients, friends and newsworthy persons. Reburn maintains a busy readings and appearances schedule, but remains accessible to all of his followers. Christopher founded The Psychic Spirit organization for psychic insights, spiritual knowledge, growth and development in 2003. To date, Christopher continues to expand his spiritual mission, visions and gifts to help everyone within the universe who needs his assistance, and remains one of the strongest forces in the psychic, spiritual, metaphysical and New Age arena. Currently, Reburn is working on his first book with an expected early 2011 release date.
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