Christian Youth (Australia)

The Christian Youth is the youth movement of the Christian Democratic Party of Australia representing members aged 16 to 29. The movement is organised as an along military lines with a National Command and system of appointed hierarchy. All leadership positions are appointed and not subject to elections by the membership, as the movement is against Liberal Democracy and in favour of a meritocratic system.
The current Consul is Samraat Joshua Grewal, from New South Wales.
The Christian Youth is a movement of the Christian Democratic Party, as such it is on the Christian Right, Pro-Monarchy, described as conservative and reactionary.
The Christian Youth was founded on the 28 September 2018 by Samraat Joshua Grewal, operating side by side the "Young CDP" (The Christian Democratic Party's previous youth wing) before eventually replacing the Young CDP.
The Christian Youth movement is modeled in military fashion with an appointed leadership hierarchy. The Christian Youth National Command is the Federal Headquarters of Christian Youth.  It is headed up by the Consul, then the Proconsul, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and other federal positions. The Christian Youth State Command (e.g. NSW Command) is the State level leadership and is led by the First Legate + other state Legates.
Positions beneath these follow the military subdivisions.
Activities and Roles
The movement hosts forums and events, as well as participating in security events and election campaigns. The movement frequently addresses and responds to media publications on various issues via their journal.

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