Christian Colleges

Christian Colleges are private institutions of higher education that self-identify with the Christian faith tradition and the term Christian college. These colleges tend to be Protestant, have an overt Christian mission statement, and are taught by faculty who profess a Christian faith. While most Christian colleges do offer Christian-themed degree programs, many Christian colleges feature secular degree programs such as engineering, nursing and business. Even in secular degree programs, most Christian college make the integration of faith and learning a specific focus that shapes classroom discussion and extracurricular activity. This approach is different from a secular university, where some have felt they are discriminated against based upon their Christian worldview.
Many Christian colleges are affiliated with or are run by a Christian denomination, while others are non-denominational. Christian colleges include a range of schools from accredited national universities offering liberal arts and professional programs to non-accredited bible colleges that prepare students exclusively for vocational ministry.
Non-Protestant colleges, such as Catholic colleges, which typically have a different educational philosophy than self-identifying Protestant colleges, tend not to self-identify with the term Christian college and instead emphasize their own specific tradition.
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