Charles P. Kindleberger III

Charles P. Kindleberger III (born 1942) was the eldest son of Sarah Kindleberger and the noted economist Charles P. Kindleberger.

He served the city of St. Louis in a variety of capacities from 1976 to 2005. First, he was director of the Community Development Agency (CDA) Planning and Programming Division. Later, he served as CDA acting executive director. By the 1990s, he was Director of Research in CDA; and after 1999, in the Planning and Urban Design Agency (PDA), a new agency created from the restructuring of CDA. He retired from this position June 30, 2005.

Kindleberger was instrumental in the advancement of information technology applications within St. Louis city government. In particular, he helped initiate the development of the St. Louis Community Information Network, and promoted the development of Geographic Information Systems within St. Louis city government.

Kindleberger is married to Joan Kindleberger, and they have one child, Lisa Kindleberger.
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