Charismatic sound

Charismatic sounds are the charism of sound. And the charismatic sounds are reported by subjects within a religious or contemplative context. These sounds can be caused by various religious activities, such as meditation and contemplation. Within the context of religion numerous sounds have been reported over its history. Charismatic sound is also called clairaudience. Related to this subject is a conditioned that has been called meditation-induced tinnitus, which occurs among contemplatives.

There are numerous references in religious literature to charismatic sound. Some of these references are in the Bible, but the Yoga Sutras refer to charismatic sounds, as well as the Discourses of the Buddha . Many of these references also come from the various mystics, such as Kabir, Rumi and Teresa of Ávila.

:: I saw the glory of the God of Israel coming from the east. His voice was like the roar of rushing waters, and the land was radiant with his glory."

:: Then shall the trees of the wood sing out at the presence of the LORD...."

:: There came from heaven a noise like a violent, rushing wind, and it filled the whole house. There appeared tongues as of fire and it sat above each one of them. And they were filled with the Holy Spirit."

The earliest Buddhist literature has numerous references to something called in Pali "Dibba-sota," which is generally translated as "Divine ear." The "Divine ear" is known in the suttas as a fruit or phala. The fruit or phala are the Buddhist and Hindu equivalent of the Christian charism. One of those references is in the Mahàli Sutta (DN 6), which refers to someone who had achieved liberation through two ways, which is called “ubhato-bhága-vimutta” in Pali.

:: But suppose, Mahâli, he has attained meditative absorption with the double object in view of seeing and hearing, in any one direction, those heavenly sights and those heavenly sounds. Then since he has attained meditative absorption with the double object in view, he both sees the sights and hears the sounds. And why so? Because of the nature of his meditative absorption.'Mahàli Sutta (DN 6)

The Yoga sutras also refer to charismatic sound and indicate that the sounds are an indicator of success with meditation.

:: A contemplative’s mastery can extend to the infinite or the infinitesimal. Through becoming saturated in meditative absorption (samadhi) the habits of the mind, perceiver, perceiving and perception, dwindle until transparent as a jewel. Meditative absorption (samâpattiï) that is combined with sounds (åabda), forms (artha) and concepts (jõâna) is a conceptual meditative absorption with (sa) applied attention (vitarka) (savitarka samadhi) (upon objects).” Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras (1.40-1.51)

Some Christian mystics described various charismatic sounds. One of the best descriptions of charismatic sound comes from St. Teresa of Ávila in her book The Interior Castle.

:: As I write this, by the way, I can’t help but wonder what’s going on inside my own head. Those noises I told you about in the beginning are getting so loud that it’s almost impossible for me to obey the order to write this. It sounds like there are a multitude of rushing rivers inside my head, their waters cascading downward, surrounded by many little birds and other whistling sounds. This is all unfolding not in the ears but the upper part of the head, where they say the higher part of the soul resides. I have spent long periods in these regions. The spirit seems to push its way upward with great power and speed…all of this turmoil doe not hinder my prayer or interfere with what I am trying to say. Instead, my soul is whole within its quietude, its love, its longing, and its clarity of consciousness."

The Sufi Mystics of Islam also described various charismatic sounds. Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi-Rumi and Kabir are the most significant references to charismatic sounds within Islam.

:: A million suns come forward with light, When I sit firmly in this world. I hear bells ringing that no one has shaken, Inside "love" there is more joy than we know of, Rain pours down although the sky is clear of clouds, There are whole rivers of light. The universe is shot through in all its parts by a single sort of love." -Mevlana Rumi, Sufi Master

:: Listen! The sound of big conch seashells. The sound of bells. Kabir says: Friend, listen, this is what I have to say: The guest I love is inside me."

These religious references suggest that at least some of the subjects who report tinnitus as well as the mysterious HUM might just be experiencing clairaudience, charismatic sound, or meditation-induced tinnitus.
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