Center for New Ideas

The Center For New Ideas (CNI) is a Belarusian analytical center that focuses on involving society in the discussions of the reforms, carrying independent researches, and supporting new leaders.
Ryhor Astapenia is a founder and a research director. Anton Radniankou is a managing director.
During eight years of work, CNI arranged 77 online and offline events in 9 Belarusian cities, organized three long-term educational programs, got more than 35 thousand followers on social media. CNI has been releasing its Ideological podcast. CNI also publishes the ranking of Belarusian cities. There are 19 members in the CNI team.
The Center for New Ideas was created in 2012 as a student online journal Idea. The founders aimed at becoming a Belarusian alternative of British The Economist focusing on world politics and economics.
In 2017 the journal turned into a non-profit institution called the Center for New Ideas. It positioned itself as a non-governmental organization that combines the best practices of a media platform, a public forum, an educator, a research organization, and an advocacy group.
CNI became an analytical center in 2020.
Research Activity
The lead analytical products of CNI are the ranking of Belarusian cities and the index of the future of Belarus.
The ranking of Belarusian cities examines five dimensions of urban life in Belarus. Those include demographic sustainability, economic situation, quality of life, transparency of administration, and tourist attractiveness. CNI has been publishing the ranking since 2018. The 2019 version includes the cities whose population is more than 50 thousand people.
The Index of the Future of Belarus
The index of the future of Belarus is an expert survey that shows what Belarus might look like in 5 years based on 24 indicators affecting the future of Belarus. The 24 indicators include economic prospects, socio-demographic development, educational and innovative potential, and political trends.
Events and Educational Programs
Every year The Center for New Ideas hosts two big conferences - Belarus Future Unconference and Reshape. Both conferences focus on the future of Belarus. Yuri Zisser, Stanislav Shushkevich, Alhierd Baharevich, and other public, political and cultural figures were among the speakers of the conference.
Besides that, CNI has arranged over 70 online and offline events dedicated to social, economic, and political challenges.
CNI also launches long-term educational projects: The School for Young Reformers, Belarus Urban Fellowship for regional activists, and Vitali Silitski Fellowship for young researchers.
Ideological Podcast
The Ideological Podcast has been released every week since 2016. The podcast is positioned as a ‘weekly conversation about Belarus’. The speakers of the podcast are Anton Radniankou, Hleb Martynau, and Ilya Shyla.
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