
CCCalc is an application software for Windows, which acts as a calculator.
Main operations: plus, minus, multiply, divide and square root.
Percent calculations: plus (100+5% = 105), minus (100-5% = 95), multiply (100*5% = 5) and divide (100/5% = 2000).
Instead of one-line screen CCCalc prints the calculation history to a virtual tape, similar the one of desktop tape calculators. The tape is freely editable like usual computer text. All results are recalculated automatically after each text modification.
CCCalc does not convert numbers to a binary form to perform calculations, so it does not apply any limitations on precision in sense of number of significant figures in operands and results. Precision in sense of decimal places is limited by the program setting which can be changed by the user, also without limitations.
Name CCCalc is an abbreviation for "Check-n-Correct Calculator"
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