
carbuzz is a UK car review aggregation website. It is similar to websites like Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic since it assigns an aggregate rating, called the (buzzScore), which is based on the average score of all reviews.
The site helps users find their perfect new car through search and the Car Chooser tool which filters through all cars on sale in the UK. The site also has user reviews, stats, photos and videos for every new car on sale.
carbuzz is a UK website dedicated to helping new car buyers choose what new car to buy.
Similar to websites like Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic, carbuzz aggregates expert reviews for cars, assigning a rating (the buzzScore) to each car based on scores from critics. Reviews come from trusted sources such as What Car?, Autocar, Top Gear and Parkers and are collected manually. A snippet of each review, with the original rating that was given by the journalist is displayed, along with a hyperlink to the source.
carbuzz aims to provide a straight talking, informative and unbiased approach, summarising what the experts make of the cars, alongside compiled user reviews, stats, videos and photos for every car on sale.
The core functionality of the site is a search and Car Chooser tool, allowing users to filter results by options like budget, number of seats and MPG, to narrow down to the cars which would best suit them.
carbuzz also has a blog which publishes news, entertainment as well as tips and guides targeted at car buyers and enthusiasts.
The site was launched in November 2010, by University of Nottingham graduates James Hind and Alexandra Margolis after spotting the need for a car review aggregator and aimed to create a user-centric site devoted to making the car research process quicker, easier and more enjoyable for consumers. Since launch it has received a lot of positive press attention, including the opening with the line 'Is this the most useful new car website?' and New Media Age site of the week.. It has also been featured in TechCrunch and listed as one of Webuser's best new websites. David Santoro was brought onboard as co-founder and developer. Development and design is all carried out in-house and a redesign of the site went live in August 2011.
The higher the buzzScore the better the car. Ratings out of 10 attributed to the cars are colour coded and labelled as follows:
Dark Green = 'Outstanding' (8.5-10)
Light Green = 'Good' (7-8)
Amber = 'Fair' (6-6.5)
Red = 'Poor' (1-5.5)
The cars with the highest rating currently on the site, of 9.7, are the Ferrari 458 Italia, Lamborghini Aventador, Porsche Boxster and McLaren MP4-12C.
Achieving the lowest rating of 2.8 is the Perodua Kenari.
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