Camp Encounter Alberta

Camp: Encounter Alberta is a project developed by a group of Alberta teachers with an interest in promoting nature and natural history relating to the province of Alberta. It is a week long camp program which takes place in various locations in Alberta such as Banff National Park, the Athabasca Glacier, the Alberta Badlands, and Jasper National Park.

The Camp: Encounter Alberta program was originally developed in 1998 and attempted to secure public funding for nearly a decade. Unable to obtain a significant source of public funds, the program went ahead privately in the summer of 2008. As of October 2008 Camp: Encounter Alberta has announced plans for an expanded program beginning in the spring of 2009.


There has been criticism of the program for its environmental views. While the organization claims to have no political agenda, they have been critical of the Alberta Tarsands project which has offended some people in the oil-rich province.
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