Business credit monitoring

Business credit monitoring or company tracking or is the monitoring of a business' credit history in order to detect any suspicious activity or changes.
While most people are familiar with consumer credit reports, many are unaware that a similar reporting system exists to alert you to changes in a business' credit activities. The activities mentioned are usually the filing of latest accounts, board appointments and resignations, share capital amendments, CCJs and changes to the credit rating. The use of these reports are varied and may include protecting against suspected fraud to assessing the performance of a business.
Businesses in South Carolina filing tax returns were invited to enrol on free business credit monitoring services provided by credit agency D&B and Experian after state officials claimed an international computer hacker accessed data from up to 657,000 businesses in what experts call the largest cyber-attack against a state tax agency in the nation.
In the United Kingdom, the Big Three credit agencies all offer this service as well as smaller bureaus such as First Report, Experian and UK Credit Info..
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