Buffalo Boy Man

Buffalo Boy Man is a mythical cat-beast from China. First found in Chinese folk literature around 800 AD, his image and legend were used to represent national views towards hunger, sloth, and immortality.

Buffalo Boy Man is often depicted throughout period art as a combination of cat, bear, and mouse. While features of the three creatures vary in prominence over the breadth of art, the buffalo is never included in the triage; rather, the overall effect of the three animals lends to a small, but powerful, decidedly buffalo-looking boy-man.

Buffalo Boy Man is usually shown wearing a crown and seated upon a bowl of fish. In illustrations of his travels he is always followed by a group of kittens, known throughout his adventures as "The Peanut Clan," who are assumed to be pursuing a quest similar to Buffalo Boy Man's first journey of self-discovery, which indeed led him to the ever-refilling bowl of fish.
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