Bsd windows project

BSD is an unix based os which is open source and has been used in apples OSX. BSD Windows is a test to see how to make windows more stable and use able. BSD windows may be in development for the next release of Windows. One of the big things in the BSD Windows project to the intergreation of vm software into the os to run pass Windows apps. This may be a game changer for Microsoft. If BSD Windows can succed in building a os that can natively run all pass windows apps along with bsd apps and with the possible of build a wine like library they may be able to run most osx apps. This is a project is not confirmed to be founded or supported by Mircsoft. From the limited info released it is only know to be a project ran by some student attending Fresno City College, many of which are in the CIT zer0 club.
Why it is true
<references/>the cit zer0 club web site<references/>
<references/>Chris Priillo talked about how it could be done<references/>
<references/>tech forums talking about BSD Windows<references/>
--Dr. Yorkin (talk) 07:52, 4 May 2010 (UTC)
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