Brooks Surname DNA Project

The Brooks Surname DNA Project is one of the larger DNA Surname Projects with over 245 participants worldwide. It is a cooperative attempt to collect, store and compare the results of male Y-DNA for those with the surname of Brooks and other variants of the name. This will enable genealogists to piece together many familial and non-familial branches of the name enabling a better understanding of the kinship and distinct relationships of the many family lines known today. Named variants in the project are Brook, Brooke and Brookes.
The Brooks Surname Project administrators are family historians and genetic genealogists who volunteer for the role and receive no financial or other compensation for the work they do. The Administrators maintain the projects webpages and results also answer general questions.
Project background
The Project was established by Mr John C. Brooks in his own words when setting up the project were for "it to identify kinship between 'Brooks' families Worldwide; and to bridge the Atlantic to identify as far as possible the European origins of many 'Brooks' families". The projects Ethos and goals are carried on today by the present Administrator Nigel Brooks a well known BROOKS Family Historian & Genetic Genealogist. In 2003 the project had just 1 test and at the end of 2004 19 tests in 2012 the project has 245 tests.
The official testing company for the Brooks Surname DNA project is Family Tree DNA
Origins & Distribution of the BROOKS surname
The Brooks name is widely thought of as a Germanic Anglo Saxon name often seen spelt as Brucks or BRUX meaning someone who lived in a rocky area. In England from as early as the 7th century it is seen in the form of Broke or Brokes and means someone who lives by water or a small stream a Brook. Many emigrants arriving in America either chose to or had their foreign sounding names altered and Brooks was a very popular one, Ashkenazi Jews chose the name of Brooks as they tried to anglicise their names from one or more like-sounding Jewish surnames.
Y-DNA test results
Because many Brooks genealogists have exhausted traditional methods of research and still have not found their elusive ancestor the Brooks Surname DNA project brings together genetics and genealogy in the hope of bringing together lost genetic cousins in time and hence open up a new avenue of research.
The Project has identified so far 104 Distinct Brooks families and discover more each year in 2012 32 new tests took place some finding their lost cousins and others further establishing new branches.
The Brooks Surname Project Y-DNA results chart shows brief lineages and SNPs with DNA marker values for various kits submitted. It is divided into Haplogroups. On the chart, haplogroups in green have been confirmed by SNP testing. Haplogroups in red have been predicted by Family Tree DNA.
Other Brooks DNA projects
Southern Brooks DNA project
The Southern Brooks Families DNA Project is also being conducted by Family Tree DNA.
Most of the BROOKS families in the USA are centered in the deep south around Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina & Virginia to name a few as a result of this the Southern Brooks Families DNA Project concentrate on these families and these areas.
Major Brooks Clusters
The Brooks New England cluster have their own Website and conduct their own DNA Analysis. Brooks New England DNA test Results
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