Bridget Minamore

Bridget Minamore (born 1991) is a British journalist for Write Here Right Now, a scheme which is funded by the Department for International Development. She is part of the core-editorial team, consisting of teenagers who are based within Greater London.
Bridget has since covered high profile events such as the Copenhagen Summit. At her at the Copenhagen summit, Bridget and fellow reporter Ayman Al-Juzi attended MTV's Play to Stop which is partnership between MTV and European Commission Whilst also attending an event organised by Stop Climate Chaos. 50,000 people attended the march across central London with high profile politicians such as Ed Miliband and Peter Mandelson giving a cameo appearance in the crowds.
Bridget is studying for her A-Levels and is a poet, she was recently featured in a Times article in which Bridget attended a poetry 'slam' contest.
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