Break the Glass Ceiling

Break the Glass Ceiling is a 2016 video game about overcoming misogynistic and sexist pressures in daily life. Inspired by their own experiences, documentary Miss Representation, and the Girls Who Code summer program, the creators started the game where a girl character named the glass gladiator has to dodge sexist comments while climbing up a ladder for four levels. It was created by Nibha Akireddy, Sadie Byun, Zoe Ellyse Del Rosario, and Phoebe Yin. As of August 2016, it has been available as a web game.
In Break the Glass Ceiling, the player climbs a ladder representing the rungs of society with the goal of finishing four levels—childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and career—in order to see a win screen where the glass gladiator character breaks a glass ceiling. The enemies are "bad boys" who insult the character using comments seen in daily life. They mature with each level. In between levels, there are mini-games that teach the user coding and other fields that are male-dominated.
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