Brandi McGuire

Brandi McGuire is a Republican candidate for the Illinois House of Representatives for the 72nd district. She lives in Milan, Illinois.
McGuire's daughter, Kelsey, suffers from epilepsy. Kelsey uses a service dog named Jasper. Kelsey's school initially did not allow her to bring Jasper to classes with her. Brandy McGuire filed a dispute over this rule and it eventually ended up in court. McGuire fourth the case for 15 months. As a result, the school board settled the case for $95,000.
McGuire is the founder of a charity that helps people with epilepsy, called Ribbons For Kellsey.
Taxes and spending
In Maguire's answers to the Chicago Tribune's candidate questionnaire, McGuire attacked her opponent, Pat Verschoore, over the 2011 Illinois tax increase. "Within the 72nd District, State Representative Pat Verschoore, a co-sponsor of the 2011 tax hike, said it was supposed to pay off the state's deficit. Even with $31 billion in additional revenue in two years, the tax increase did not even put a dent in the state's backlog of bills," McGuire said.
She also listed specific examples of egregious spending projects by specific members of the Illinois legislature including the powerful House Speaker Michael Madigan. In Madigan's case she attacked his earmark of $35 million to one school in his district.
On the issue of education, McGuire supports charter schools and tuition vouchers. She told the Chicago Tribune's editorial board that her top priority for education would be to focus on people with disabilities and improve the services and practices for those students.
According to Rock Island Today, "NRA-PVF’s grading system follows an alphabetical key, with “A+” denoting a legislator demonstrating both an excellent voting record on all critical NRA issues and robust past efforts to promote and defend the Second Amendment. An “A” is assigned to solidly pro-gun candidates who have supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office as well as candidates with a record of Second Amendment issue support."
Professional and education
McGuire attended Black Hawk College. She is the director and a certified Illinois driver training instructor at the Skiles driving school.
Her past political experience includes serving as a precinct committeewoman.
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