
Boog is a fictional domesticated grizzly bear who is the main protagonist of Sony Pictures Animation's Open Season. He is played by Martin Lawrence in the film (Danny Glover in video games).


Prior to the film, Boog was rescued as a cub, and taken in by Park Ranger Beth. Since then, Beth raised him to be strong and healthy. Boog even got to become the star of the Timberline Wildlife Show. But things all changed one day after a show, Boog and Beth stepped outside to see Shaw, the meanest hunter in the county,'s truck with a mule deer, tied to the hood of it. While Beth went inside the sheriff's office, Boog freed the deer, named Elliot, who ran off. But Boog never expected to see him again. Well, that night, after Beth had tucked Boog into bed, Elliot arrived at the garage Boog was sleeping in, and got him to go outside. The two animals strolled into town, where they totally trashed a grocery store, known as Punimart. Upon seeing the sherrif arriving, Elliot immediately fled, leaving Boog in trouble.

Things got worse the next day. As Beth and Boog were about to perform their show, Elliot showed up, being chased by Shaw, who wanted him recaptured. Trying to hide backstage, Elliot made it look as though Boog was killing him, causing the audience to scream and run away. Beth immediately shot both Boog and Elliot with a tranquillizer, and sent them back to the Timberline woods just outside of town.

When Boog awoke the next morning, he was horrified to find out what had happened. He began to search for home, running into all sorts of crazy woodland inhabitants, such as McSquizzy the Squirrel, and Reilly the Beaver. But as he was chatting with two wild mallards, he heard the sound of Elliot hollering. Immediately Boog saw Elliot being taunted, and beaten up by the leader of his herd, in which he had been kicked out of, Ian.

That night Boog and Elliot each discussed their problems. Boog then decided maybe being "partners" with Elliot wasn't as bad as he thought it would be.

However, as Boog and Elliot continued on the next morning, when Shaw suddenly fired a bullet near the two. Reilly and his beaver friends who were nearby on their dam at the time, jumped into the water to hide. Frightened, Boog ran across the dam, only to accidentally collapse it, washing all him, Elliot, and all of the other animals onto the hunting ground. Mad at Elliot, for getting them lost, Boog left him and the other animals on dangerous ground.

As Boog continued through the wood, he came upon Shaw's cabin. Not knowing who it belonged to, Boog crept inside, and enjoyed himself...until he turned on the lights and saw all sorts of animal heads hanging on the wall. He hid, just as Shaw arrived. He noticed someone had been raiding his cabin...and were still there! He pursued Boog through his cabin, until Boog ran right out the door and into the woods.

Realizing the mistake he had made, Boog returned to Elliot and the other animals, and agreed to help them fight the hunters, the next morning when the sun rose. And that's what they did. The plan was successful, and they ended up chasing all the hunters back into town...except Shaw!

When Shaw showed up, he got in a huge fight with Boog. Elliot and the other animals launched various items to Boog, from a bra tied between Ian's two antlers, but when Shaw got up, and pointed his rifle at Boog, Elliot made the ultimate sacrifice. He launched himself between the bra, and struck Shaw's rifle.

Thinking Shaw had killed Elliot, Boog was enraged. He knocked the mean hunter to the ground, and roared in his face. The other animals then jumped upon Shaw and beat him up. As it turned out Elliot was fine...aside from losing his remaining antler. After Shaw had run off, Beth showed up and offered to take Boog back to her house...but Boog decided to stay with his friends in the Timberline woods...and so he did.

Relationship with Elliot
Boog's relationship with Elliot is similar to the relationships between Donkey and Shrek in Shrek, and Sid, and Manny in Ice Age, as Boog, Shrek, and Manny all save another character (Elliot, Donkey, and Sid respectively) from danger like Shrek saving Donkey from knights, Manny saving Sid from two rhinos and Boog saving Elliot from being mounted on wall by Shaw, and in return the salvaged character keeps following and annoying their rescuer.
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