Blitz Identity Provider

Blitz Identity Provider is an enterprise software developed by REAK SOFT company based in Moscow, Russia. Blitz Identity Provider is an access management system that provides single sign-on for web applications and open standard protocols such as Security Assertion Markup Language 1.x/2.x, OpenID Connect 1.0 or OAuth 2.0. For web applictions that have no built-in support of these federation protocols a custom protocol was developed.
Core Components
Blitz Identity Provider has four core components:
* Identity provider (IdP) supporting SAML and OpenID Connect protocols
* An authorization service based on OAuth 2.0 standard
* A REST resource server, providing access to user data
* A module that enables a custom protocol for integration with web-applications that don't support SAML or OpenID protocols
For authenication Blitz Identity Provider uses an external user registry - a LDAP directory (Active Directory or other). For internal store MapDB or RiakKV (for clusterable version) is used.
Strong Authentication
Blitz Identity Provider supports the following authentication methods aside from standard password protection:
* strong authentication devices (smart-cards or USB-tokens)
* hardware-generated codes (HOTP)
* timed codes generated by mobile devices (TOTP)
* U2F authentication tokens
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