
The term is a portmanteau of breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is a long, leisurely and often unplanned breakfast with friends that eventually turns into lunch and continues through dinner. Although Blinners are uncommon in the United States, they are more widely enjoyed in less workaholic societies.
Blinner in the United States, according to the Urban Dictionary, is defined as:

-A meal that one desires to, or is restricted to eat for one day, becoming their breakfast lunch and dinner.
-Only one heavy meal for the day, combining breakfast, lunch and dinner.
-Your first and last meal of the day. usually around 3-6.
Although blinner's true essence is about community building over a leisurely meal it has come to represent isolation, scarcity and the fast paced life in the United States where individuals are too busy or unable to afford eating three meals a day and hence are confined to a blinner.
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