Black Veil Brides fan fiction

Black Veil Brides (or BVB) Fan Fiction is self-explanatory; a fiction of the band made by bands. There are many different types. There is heterosexual Fan Fiction, Homosexual Fan Fiction, Andley Fan Fiction, Cashley Fan Fiction, Jashley Fan Fiction, Candy, Cake, Jandy, Janxx, Jakley, Jike, and Cinxx.
Heterosexual Fan Fiction
Fan Fiction with a female character and a guy(s) from the band. Usually a fan of some sort or a girl who is already dating someone in the band. These are the most common type of fan fiction. Some of them are "one-shots", which are a single paragraph or they are chapter stories.
Homosexual Fan Fiction
Fan Fiction with a male character and a guy(s) from the band.
* Andley: Andy Biersack and Ashley Purdy
* Cashley: Christian "CC" Coma and Ashley Purdy
* Jashley: Jinxx and Ashley Purdy
* Candy: Christian "CC" Coma and Andy Biersack
* Cake: Christian "CC" Coma and Jake Pitts
* Jandy: Jake Pitts and Andy Biersack or Jinxx and Andy Biersack
* Jakely: Jake Pitts and Ashley Purdy
* Jike: Jinxx and Jake Pitts
* Cinxx: Christian "CC" Coma and Jinxx
The fan fiction names are called "ships" (ie. Andley, Cashley, etc.). The most popular ships are Andley and Cake. As well as heterosexual fan fiction, homosexual fan fiction has "one-shots" and multiple chapter stories.
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