Black Rose Anarchist Federation/FederaciĆ³n Anarquista Rosa Negra (BRRN) is a US based Anarchist political organization that was founded in 2013 through the merger of several local and regional organizations. The group has a variety of influences such as Anarchist-Communism, Anarcho-Syndicalism, Especifismo, Platformism, Feminism, Queer Liberation, Black Liberation, Abolitionism, and Anti-Racism and has active chapters on over 12 cities. Politics and Ideology Members of BRRN advocate libertarian socialism and anarchist communism, whereby the economy would be self-managed through a series of networked based assemblies and without a state or hierarchical form of governance. The group is also strongly influenced by the Latin American anarchist current especifismo which emphasized the need for specific anarchist political organization, involvement in social struggles and coherent political strategy. Origins and Founding The origin of BRRN was a several year Rapprochement Process of political dialogue between existing organizations which began in 2010. The formal process emerged from discussions across organizations and individuals who participated in the Class Struggle Anarchist Conference, a series of conferences between pro-organization and class struggle oriented anarchists, the first being in June 2008 in New York City. The process eventually led to an initial conference of delegates in Rochester in February 2013, a formal founding convention in Chicago the same November and the public launch of the group in early 2014. The organizations that founded BRRN included Common Struggle (formerly known as the Northeastern Federation of Anarchist Communists or NEFAC) with members in Boston, Providence, Western Massachusetts, Buffalo, and at large; Four Star Anarchist Organization in Chicago; Miami Autonomy and Solidarity; Rochester Red and Black; and Wild Rose Collective based in Iowa City. Some individual members of the Workers Solidarity Alliance joined BRRN but the organization voted to remain separate. Activity An early activity of BRRN members was coordinating the [ "Struggling to Win: Anarchists Building Popular Power In Chile"] tour of two anarchist organizers from Chile which had events in over 20 cities across the US in 2014. Members participated in the international in London and later wrote critical reflections on anarchist-feminism in the article [ "Breaking the Waves: Challenging the Liberal Tendency Within Anarchist Feminism."] In late 2014 members in New York City and other cities participated in protests against police violence and racism. The organization has been active in solidarity efforts around the conflict in Rojava and published a position statement on the issue. In 2015 members of BRRN supported and attended the founding of the [ FederaciĆ³n Anarquista del Centro America y del Caribe] (Anarchist Federation of Central America and the Caribbean - FACC), a network of anarchist groups in the Caribbean and Central America, at a conference in the Dominican Republic. Members involved in the BRRN Labor Commission published a statement on workplace struggles for 2017 May Day. In May 2017 a member published an op-ed in The Oregonian regarding police repression of the May Day march in Portland and was also featured in a Vice News segment in June 2017 looking at left-wing "Antifa" protests in Portland and their conflicts with right-wing "alt-right" protesters