Biological footprint

The Biological footprint is the specific impact of human activity in biological terms, on the Environment, in its widest sense. It is concerned in how Life is affected.
The Biological footprint is a component or aspect of the Ecological footprint.
Humanity has gradually grown more concerned with how it affects the Natural environment and Ecology. This concern has also become, to a growing number of people, synonymous of what has been identified as Global warming. Though there is still much investigation being done into the reasons and causes of global warming, there are significant groups that point towards greenhouse gases producing a Greenhouse effect, being the source of this. Of the major, if not the major, greenhouse gases, is Carbon dioxide or CO<sub>2</sub>. From this comes the term Carbon footprint, with its association with the mentioned gas. As such it has become commonplace to associate that, in order to reduce Climate change, one should look at reducing one's carbon footprint.
However the Natural environment, is an all encompassing situation, to reduce Climate change to Global warming and then to a Carbon footprint is far too simplistic. Nothing escapes the Environment as such one should not forget aspects as important as Water and how a or the Water footprint affects the environment, as, with our current knowledge, all life requires water for its continued existence.
Flora and Fauna as two Kingdoms of Life, of the current biological classification system, not only are affected by the environment, but also undoubtedly affect the environment.
Considering the above, that it becomes relevant that one should also consider the Biological footprint and how it impacts the environment.
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