
Biokinesis is the ability to manipulate ones biological makeup. Although not a commonly known ability, the power has featured in a number of superhero movies and has become popular in several areas online. An example of biokinesis in some movies are [https://en. .org/wiki/Wolverine_(character) Wolverine] and [https://en. .org/wiki/Deadpool_(film) Deadpool,] the power is shown in these films through the rapid healing process although it is not explicitly stated as the cause for these heroes ability in the films. Because of this, that portion of biokinesis has never become popularized online, there are communities that practice another part of the ability though. Eye color change has become a popular use of biokinesis online, a quick google search will show videos of people tracking the progress of their change in eye color along with subliminal message videos that supposedly aid in doing just that. Aside from this community built on eye color change, biokinesis has also become a hot topic in several web communities. Psion Nation is an example of one of these communities.
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