Binge and Grab

Binge and Grab is a song written and originally performed by the Deli Creeps. Deli Creeps guitarist version from his 1994 solo release Giant Robot is more commonly known. The Deli Creeps never recorded the song, but regularly played the song live, which is possibly the most known song of the band.
Buckethead version
Buckethead recorded an instrumental version for his second album, Giant Robot, which also featured a reinterpretation of the Deli Creeps' song "Smilin' Charlie" (known as "Post Office Buddy" on the album). The song met mixed reviews, ranging from "unironic 80s arena rocker" to getting high marks.
The song is often mentioned as a fan favorite, becoming somewhat of a signature song, along with "Jordan" and "Nottingham Lace".
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