
Bill4Time is a web-based time tracking and billing software as a service (SaaS) used by professionals in the legal, creative, and consulting sectors. The product offers numerous features including time tracking, time and project management, expense tracking and invoicing. With Bill4Time, professionals can manage their time and projects, set billing rates, invoice clients, receive support, and integrate with Quickbooks. Bill4Time’s time tracking software offers a way to track how many billable and non-billable hours are spent working on projects, then creates accurate invoices based on the hours entered. Bill4Time works for both sole proprietors as well as larger firms that have several employees that contribute to a client or project (such as law offices, PR and marketing firms). In addition, the software has an adjacent desktop widget and mobile application that works on smart phones.
Company history
Bill4Time is a product of Broadway Billing Systems LLC, located in New York, New York with development and operations offices in Bellevue, Washington. Bill4Time was founded by Morris Tabush, Jeremy Diviney and Robert Rimberg in 2006.
Bill4Time blog
The company's blog features company news, feature updates, tips & tricks for running a successful business, support and customer stories.
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