Bilingual Education in Peruvian Amazon

Bilingual Education in Peruvian Amazon
It is spoken of a bilingual education in Peru that the best teaching toward the educating should begin in its mother tongue according to the UNESCO. This education in Peru begins with the creation of the system of bilingual education in the Amazon forest in 1952 with the approach of the government and the support of the Linguistic Institute of Summer (ILV) to arrive at the most far away zones of the country as are the Amazon towns. Pozzi illustrates it mentioned previously in this manner:

"…The bilingual thing is a technical advance that assumes the problem of the tongues. It implies to recognize the demand to use the mother tongue of the students in their education and the need to teach Spanish by being official tongue." (Pozzi 1998 p. 9)

On the other hand, the linguistic and cultural diversity in Peru are very important points upon presenting the bilingual education. Likewise, the world view of the Amazon towns is heterogeneous and because of it complex, which generates a gap of distancing among the urban population which they are benefited of the reach of the access to the technological cultural, educational, and so much information; on the other hand, the population of the field or rural that by the distance or lacks of interest on the part of the State said population is forgot, so the rural population, Himself, they are not benefited of the advances that possesses the metropolis, especially, in a world globalized in which we live nowadays.
The problem of the bilingual education situates to reducing the distance and to approach the mutual contact between the urban thing and rural toward the common understanding. Because of it, the importance of the school is to prepare to the rural population so that they are inserted in the company with it, reevaluating their identity and not in impairment of their customs and tongues.
"…the rural school, the but advised that signifies own land, since does not go has to prepare laborers, but rural, who but late they were transformed into farmers" (Pozzi 1998 p. 13)
In the previous appointment we can understand that the school is a tool of progress, thus the students learn about their environment, so once already knowing the potentiality and wealth that environment offers at students, they can be exploited continuously for the beneficial own and the community.
Therefore, the school to give a bilingual education, they enclose more about the reality of the Amazon towns to improve the life of the native. Likewise, it has the gadget of access that permits to be incorporated in the civilization, for the appropriate method that was presented for the learning of Spanish, especially, in the Amazon zones on Peru is to give at first teaching of the mother tongue, then teach the Spanish, so splits of the “lexico” in the same language (native) in order to pass a setting or bilingual learning and by finalize to put In practice the fluency from the foreign tongue. Nevertheless, this method did not result, because the parents were opposed for this kind of teaching which the mother tongue was utilized like transitory middle for the learning of the Spanish, since the problem of incorrect utilization of native tongues as plan of experimental in bilingual education.
By Francisco Vila (AO8)
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