Bigtec Private Limited

Bigtec Ltd. is an Indian Red Herring biotech and informatics company founded in 2000 by Chandrasekhar Nair, G M Kini, J Guru Dutt and G Sampathgiri. Its biotech wing is mainly concerned with creating point-of-care devices for quick identification of diseases, bacteria and chemical agents in different types of suspensions. The company itself, however, is also involved in other ventures under different wings.

Lab-on-a-Chip Devices

The affordable, Point-of-care and mobile 'Micro-PCR' (patented) system is Bigtec's 'pet project'. After starting development in mid-2006, it completed a protoype and patented its MEMS-based miniature PCR in mid-2007. The device can be used for identification of a pathogen or sample of DNA by direct optical analysis after DNA amplification and uses a patented disposable chip on which the sample is placed. The main accomplishment of this device is that they are the first to create such a miniature and accurate PCR system. They have also accomplished their goal of making it affordable and many times faster than the conventional PCR systems (the PCRs in use today are bulky, upwards of 20 lakh Indian Rupees and take half a day to give results).
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