Bhikkhu sangharatna

Bhikkhu Sangharatna (born 13 May 2001) is an Indian buddhist monk. who is the Founder of Youth buddhist circuit. on 30 April 2020
Spiritual biography
Sangharatna also completed his schooling as a Buddhist monk,While doing education he did ground level social-religious work and is still doing,At the age of sixteen he went abroad to study Buddhism, He then visited and studied the Buddhist traditions there and then returned to India,And decided to make  larger organization to bring together young Buddhist boys and girls He established the Youth Buddhist Circuit on 30 April 2020 for the development of the Buddhist community for the future of India.
When I came into the life of a Buddhist monk, I had a dream that I would go abroad and study the Buddhist Dhamma in different countries and understand the Buddhist tradition and cultur,And when that dream came true on December 27  2017  I went to Thailand to learn the rules of Vinaya and the culture of Thai Buddhist monks,And onther but important helped me by my teacher Venerable Bhikkhu Rahul Thero from making my passport and getting a Thai visa,And I stayed in Thailand for three months,and learning the Thai culture and tradition.
The second tour of Thailand was on 09 April 2019 To 15 April 2019 for Dhamma Conference Invited By Dhamma siste Dr Aphinita ChaichanaI also had fifteen minutes to speak at this conference in front of all the international guests,In this meeting I discussed the situation in India so that young Buddhist monks in India can get a chance,And there are very few young Buddhist monks in the world, so how can this be increased, and there should be an increase in young Monks in India as well, and that's what we're doing, I told n the conference,And in these programs a lot of new people were introduced and also received guidance.
He then went to Sri Lanka for the third time to study Buddhism for a three-month stay in the rainy season and was helped to learn Sri Lankan culture.
Sangharatna In the current environment, he is trying to bring together young Indians so that Buddhism can flourish  in the coming history of India and everyone can be educated. He is working on his ideas under of The Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar who restored Buddhism in India,He has set up the Youth Buddhist Circuit Association and is also connecting all the young Indian boys and girls for their educational, industrial, social and economic development.
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