Bhante Kassapa

Bhante Kassapa is an American Buddhist monk. He is often affectionately known as Reverend K. He is the first non-Vietnamese monk in the Vietnamese Theravada Sangha in America.

Early life

He served in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam War. He then began his formal training in the Jesuit Associate Program in Houston. Evenutally, Bhante Kassapa joined the Franciscan order as a monk. When he left that order, he spent 16 years studying Buddhism while working in the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority in Tampa, Florida.

Buddhist monastic life

He was ordained as a novice monk in October 2006 at Phat Phap temple in St. Petersburg, Florida. After one full year, he became a fully ordained bhikkhu at Chua Buu Mon in Port Arthur, Texas.

Bhante Kassapa is currently a resident monk at Chua Buu Mon, a Theravada Vietnamese temple in Port Arthur, Texas.
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