
A drinking game first created by the residents of the The Homestead at Denison University in 2007. This game involves two teams of two players standing on parallel balancing boards (or 'see-saws') with a large plastic paint bucket placed at the center of each board.
The game is played by teammates trying to balance on their board to avoid touching the ground, while at the same time drinking a can, cup, or bottle of beer (although cans are ideal for throwing). Once a team member has emptied their beer container, they can attempt to score a point by throwing the empty container into the paint bucket on the other team's side.
The game has no time limit, and ends only under one of three conditions:
(1) A team wins by successfully throwing 3 empty beer containers into the other team's paint bucket, or
(2) A team loses by touching either end of their balance board to the ground 7 times.
(3) A player from either team falls off the beersaw, resulting in an instant loss.

Within a few weeks of its invention, Beersaw spread to Purdue University. Following Purdue, beersaws have been built in Connecticut and Akron, OH. There are also rumors of unfinished beersaws at Ohio State University, the University of Minnesota, and somewhere in the suburbs of Baltimore, MD.

One debated aspect of the game is the "one foot in the black" rule, which states that one foot must be kept within 18 inches of the end of the saw at all times. "The black" is supposed to be represented by black paint on the end of the saw. This rule exists at Denison University, but does not exist at Purdue University
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