Beer Blow

Beer Blow, also known as Bottle Blow, is a drinking game for any number of players. It uses a deck of playing cards, but is not a card game in the strict sense.

Basic Play
A standard deck of playing cards (with or without Jokers) is balanced face-down on top of an open, full bottle of beer. Players then take turns blowing cards off of the deck. The person who blows the last card off the top of the bottle must drink the beer. A new bottle is then opened, the deck replaced and play continues. For convenience/hygeine, an empty bottle can also be used to support the cards, with glasses or other bottles of beer given as the penalty.

Additional Rules
The following are optional, but common additions to the basic game:

* An ace that is blown off the deck, if spotted by another player, means the player who blew it off must take a sip of beer.
* If Jokers are used and one is blown off and noticed, everyone except the person who noticed it drinks.
* A failure by a player to blow off at least one card on his/her attempt is given a penalty of one full beer.
* If a player only blows off one card, everyone else drinks.
* "Party fouls" such as spilling a drink, or mistakes in play such as going out-of-turn, incur a one-sip penalty.
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