Vanderslice drinking game

Vanderslice Drinking Game
A drinking game inspired by John's recent tour stop in Columbus, OH. Known locally as The Vanderslice Drinking Game, it is a lot of fun but for serious drinkers only. You may be sitting for as long as five minutes, so you must have at least two beers per person. Obtain a deck of cards and deal them all out. All players will flip their cards at the same time. The person with the highest valued card becomes Vanderslice for the turn. They must drink the number that is shown on the card with Queen, King and Ace representing 12, 13 and 14 drinks respectively. Jacks and Sevens are Spanish Prisoners and must drink along with Vanderslice until they become the Vanderslice at a later turn. Once the Spanish Prisoners become Vanderslice they do not have to drink again until they become a Spanish Prisoner or Vanderslice again. If there is a tie for high card, whomever is the last to yell Vanderslice becomes Vanderslice. Players may bail out a Spanish Prisoner for one turn by drinking for them if they feel bad that the Spanish Prisoner has been drinking too much, or if they are simply thirsty.

See Also

John Vanderslice

drinking game
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