
Company background
BCZ.com is a social business network platform that allows businesses to connect, publish information realtime, stay informed with latest updates and find everything business related by streamlining online content publishing to worldwide audience . Information posted and submitted on BCZ.com appears on major search engines and social networks including Facebook and Twitter by using rss feeder.
BCZ.com was launched to meet the dwindling economy and to help meet the business needs of those who are affected by the weakening economy forecasted in the year 2012-14. Features was gradually added over the weeks to streamline business transactions. Inclusive of free 5GB media online storage space for non-paying subscribers.
Paid users are offered a shopping cart to buy and sell things online, inclusive of 100GB media online storage space. Hardcopies of boxes are sold in Singapore and Malaysia as available on their subsidiary website bczcentral.com. The company was active in technology startups beginning in year 2008.
BCZCentral (http://www.bczcentral.com) handles aspects of I.T. solutions, services and support for infrastructure and content delivery on BCZ.com. They are also Amazon Web Services Solution Provider based in Singapore. BCZCentral manages data mining, processing and channeling (including terabytes) daily with search engine solutions to better find and analyze information using in-house patented technologies.
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