Battle of Wuzhou

The Battle of Wuzhou took place from January 25 to January 30, 1930. The location was in the eastern part of Guangxi, China. It was one of the civil war battles that took place inside the National Revolutionary Army. The battle was the reinvention of Li Zongren after the defeat of the Chiang-Gui War and the prelude to the middle of the Central Plains War. Of the two warring parties in the Battle of Wuzhou, one was the Guangdong Army Chen Jitang Division, which was converted into the Central Army Eighth Route Army, and the other was the Army of the New Guangxi clique commanded by Li Zongren.
In 1929, the Chiang-Gui War that broke out for more than half a year gradually came to an end. The defeat of Li Zongren and the like gradually faded out of the Army of the New Guangxi clique. However, the leftward tilt of the Guangxi government and other factors led Li Zongren to return to the Army of the New Guangxi clique Power Center. During the Sanshui battle that broke out at the end of December 1929, the Army of the New Guangxi clique lost many strongholds. Li Zongren took advantage of the situation to accept the Army of the New Guangxi clique and rename it to protect the party and save the country, and regain control of the Army of the New Guangxi clique.
In early January 1930, after the Shanxi Army, a side branch of the National Revolutionary Army of the Republic of China, officially launched its troops against the central government of China, the Army of the New Guangxi clique, which was also dependent on the National Army, began deployment. On January 15, the Army of the New Guangxi clique Li Zongren, Huang Shaohong, Bai Chongxi, and Zhang Fakui jointly counterattacked and successfully occupied Guiping, Guangxi, an important city. The two armies, including Yu Hanmou and Cai Tingkai, who supported the Central Army of the National Revolutionary Army, resisted in Pingle County, Lipu, Guangxi and Xiuren, but were still fighting in Guiping, losing Guiping and Yulin, Guangxi.
Course of Events
On January 20, Chiang Kai-shek, the leader of the Central Government of the Republic of China, assigned He Yingqin from Hankou to Hunan to meet with the leader of the Hunan Army, He Jian. On January 25, all the Central Army forces gathered in Wuzhou to prepare for a decisive battle with the New Guangxi Army. On January 26, Liu Jianxu and other units of the 19th Division of the Fourth Army of the Central Army who supported the Central Army drove from Hunan to Guangxi, and waged a fierce battle with Tang Shengming (younger brother of Tang Shengzhi, a member of the New Guangxi Army. Subsequently, Liu Jianxu's army won and entered the vicinity of Wuzhou. Joined to support the Eighth Route Army of Chen Jitang. On January 30, Li Zongren and Zhang Fakui reunited, heavy forces attacked Wuzhou, and fought fiercely with the Guangdong army in Rongxu. Because the defending Guangdong Army was supported by the Hunan Army, the Guangdong Army supporting the Central Army still held Wuzhou after a few days of fierce fighting. However, until February 2, the Hunan Army in the periphery re-launched, Wuzhou was still under siege and there were several sporadic battles.
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