Basilisk (fantasy role play)

Many fantasy roleplaying games have included a version of the mythological basilisk among the creatures that the players may encounter. The creatures are frequently lizard-like with the ability to turn characters to stone.
Basilisks and variations of the monster have appeared in every edition of the Dungeons & Dragons franchise. Within Dungeons & Dragons, the basilisk is depicted a giant lizard with eight legs, and as a reptilian monster whose gaze can turn creatures to stone. A figurine of the basilisk was included in the D&D Miniatures: Giants of Legend set #13 which was released in 2004.
The basilisk has also appeared in d20 System games by Necromancer Games in their Tome of Horrors sourcebook and Paizo Publishing's Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary.
In the video game, the player, as Harry, encounters the basilisk in a climactic battle before the last cut scene of the game. During the battle, Harry fights with rather than with the wand the character has used through the previous portions of the game. The basilisk is represented as spitting poison which hurts the character.
In the MMORPG EverQuest, the basilisks have a stone breath attack.
In its strategy guide for the computer game Heroes of Might and Magic III, GameSpot describes the basilisks the "saving grace" of the Fortress castle type, as they are a "surprisingly effective" unit for the mid-game being "good in speed, offense, defense, and hit points" with a petrification power and the ability to be upgraded to "Greater Basilisk".
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