Barack Obama and the Enemies Within

Barack Obama and the Enemies Within (ISBN 978-0-61-549074-8) is Trevor Loudon's first nonfiction book, published in 2011.
Barack Obama and the Enemies Within is notable for exposing the radical ties of Barack Obama. The book goes into detail about "those who advise, mentor, and operate behind" Barack Obama. Barack Obama and the Enemies Within examines the early childhood to the present day of Barack Obama's associations. As described by Loudon, the 44th president's peers "fall into a wide category of radicals, Marxists, communists" and other anti-American individuals.

Critical reception
Glenn Beck featured Barack Obama and the Enemies Within on his "GlennBeckBookList," and interviewed Trevor Loudon.
William F. Jasper wrote a detailed review of Loudon's first book in 2012 for The New American. Jasper wrote in part: "Much of the credit for breaking the media blackout on Barack Obama’s real political identity goes to Trevor Loudon of New Zealand, whose websites and have published reams of important information on Barack Obama, key activists in his administration, and the national network of labor unions, think tanks, academics, 'community organizations,' and political operations that are crucial to moving his Marxist agenda."
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