Baltic Soft

Baltic Soft — is a Russian software company that specializes on software development for information systems in sphere of large and average business. Russian clients of Baltic Soft are: Tricolor TV, Platforma HD, No Limit Electronics. Foreign client is Penthouse HD TV company. Baltic soft has partnership with Intel and Microsoft corporations.
2003 - Company establishment date
2004 - Tracking system development
2005 - Development start of PayTracker billing system
2007 - Paytracker implementation in Tricolor TV company
2008 - Development start of e-commerce system, compatible with 1C: Accounting
2009 - Development start of mobile Webkit based browser
2010 - Internet traffic tariff solution development, based on StreamInsight
2010 - Development of media device with IPTV and cable TV support.
* Systems of registration and service for subscribers of the satellite TV broadcasting companies.
* Business automation systems (ERP, CRM).
* Software for the most widespread payment systems (Cyber Plat, Rapida, the Euronetwork, Company).
* Payment systems for plastic bank cards.
* Interactive entertaining systems for television channels.
* Internet shops.
* Call centers, Help desk and many other things.
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