
Bagalia is the name of a fictional island appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
Bagalia is a sovereign island nation in an undisclosed location that was established by the Shadow Council. It is ruled by criminals and populated by the Shadow Council's incarnation of the Masters of Evil. Max Fury and the Shadow Council set up a headquarters in this country. Bagalia's Capital City is underground at the bottom of a chasm and under complete video surveillance in case any intruders enter the city. One of its most prominent locations is The Hole, a bar and nightclub where the supervillain population can hang out and unwind.
In the pages of Avengers Undercover, Baron Helmut Zemo has taken over the dictatorship of Bagalia and the leadership of the Masters of Evil following the death of Max Fury. Cullen Bloodstone later leads Nico Minoru, Chase Stein, Hazmat, Cammi, Death Locket, and Anachronism to Bagalia where Arcade was traced to in order to get revenge on him.
After using the powers of Kobik to reprogram Captain America to be a Hydra sleeper agent, Red Skull's clone dispatched Captain America to Bagalia to confront Baron Zemo and to dispose to Erik Selvig. After relocating to Bagalia and joining up with Baron Zemo's branch of Hydra, Taskmaster became the sheriff of Bagalia where he operates in Bagalia City.
Umbral Dynamics is revealed to have a headquarters in Bagalia.
In the aftermath of the "Secret Empire" storyline, Hydra occupies Bagalia. In his shared plot with Dario Agger and Roxxon Energy Corporation to have the United Nations recognize Bagalia as an independent nation, Helmut Zemo selects Mandarin as the public face for Bagalia where Mandarin uses the alias of Tem Borjigen. As part of his revenge on Hydra for manipulating him, Punisher finds Mandarin making a speech at the United Nations and fires a special bullet. After using his rings to slow down the bullet while trying to deflect it, Mandarin is struck in the head with the bullet which is witnessed by Baron Zemo and anyone watching his speech.
Points of interest
* Bagalia City - The capital city of Bagalia. Its underground location was the result of an unseen fight between Atom-Smasher and Molecule Man that left a chasm prior to the Masters of Evil settling here. Besides being underground, Bagalia City is under complete video surveillance.
** Hell Town - A four block district where dark wizards, displaced demons, various monsters, and a few vampires reside.
** The Hole - A bar and nightclub where the supervillain population can hang out and unwind.
** Tower Zemo - The most prominent structure in Bagalia. Tower Zemo serves as the headquarters of Baron Helmut Zemo.
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