Australian Four Square

Four square, also known as six square, (mainly known as Handball is a ball game played among four/six individuals on a square/rectangle court divided into quadrants/sixrants. With such little required equipment, almost no setup, and short rounds of play that can be ended at any time, it is a popular playground game.
The Austalian Handball League (AHL) is Australia's premier four square tournament with the top players receiving major sponsorships from big sporting companies like Nike.
Four Square is played with a tennis ball (variations include basketballs etc.) with six players in their own square. The object of four square is to eliminate or 'get out' an opponent to advance to the highest possible square, being King. The ball is hit between players' squares until someone goees out by making a mistake or getting owned.
The Ball
Four square is played with a tennis ball or high bounce ball. During regular play, the ball must be hit with the player's hands only. The hit may be made with an open hand or closed fist, and may be forehand or backhand in motion. The ball may also be hit with one hand, or two hands at the same time, much like the rules of volleyball.
The ball must be struck once and for a single instant only. Carrying, catching, or holding the ball during play is not allowed. Prolonged contact with the ball can give players unfair control over the play. Hitting the ball must create a perceptible change in the ball's velocity (speed or direction) to be legal.
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