Athena Security

Athena Security produces and sells downloadable software products that analyze network devices like firewalls for security risks.
Firewalls provide the most basic defense against network attacks. Vulnerabilities in firewalls consequently creates a fundamental weakness in a network's defense against
external and internal threats.
The company's patent pending analysis algorithms offer deep insight into firewall behavior through the mathematical analysis of the configurations of these devices. Analysis of the configuration, rather than traffic data, reveals vulnerabilities, non-compliances and errors in the rule bases of these devices without requiring network intervention.
History and technology
Athena Security was launched in 2007 by Lisle Technology Partners after a period of incubation within the company. The
objective of Athena Security is to offer products that reduce reliance on testing to secure the network infrastructure. This is achieved by modeling device behavior and using mathematical techniques to predict device output for any given input, thus allowing the correctness of device and network policy to be established through analysis and without elaborate testing. Since inception, the company has developed several commercial products that implement published research in this area.
Athena Security's commercial product, FirePAC, was launched in August of 2008. FirePAC provides automated firewall analysis to determine compliance to general network best practices and commercial standards like the PCI Data Security Standard. It assists understanding and correction of rule conflicts within the rule base and it allows general querying of firewall policies without requiring any deep device knowledge.
Athena Security has extended its analysis beyond the firewall and has a network analysis product called Verify that allows entire network segments to be interrogated on security policy. The results are computed purely mathematically from the configuration information of the various security devices on the network and their behavioral models embedded in the software. Verify has been made available to select customers to understand and acquire user feedback in order to enhance the product before it is released for general availability.
Athena Security's basic algorithms are based on hypercube geometry and provide comprehensive analysis across the full spectrum of the addressable network space.
Free Tools
*Firewall Grader - Firewall Complexity Analyzer that compares any given firewall against a database of similar firewalls on several parameters.
Paid Tools
*FirePAC - Firewall Analyzer for compliance management (PCI) and rule conflicts analysis.
*FirePAC with migration support - Supports firewall policy preservation during migration from one manufacturer's device to another.
*Verify - Network Analyzer for network compliance management and investigation of policy and analysis of reachability within a network.
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