Assisted fishing

Assisted Fishing is an 2011 American independently produced low budget comedy film written, produced and directed by Joe Crouch. Slated for release in January 2012, the film deals with the realities of people who have no family and what becomes of them as they get old.
The movie centers on a lifelong loser, Dewey Winfield, who dreams of beating his arch-rival in a big fishing tournament. The rival, Jimmy Valentine, has done quite well for himself by creating 'Bait King' fish bait. Jimmy sponsors the tournament each year, but he also has managed to win his own tournament and the $10,000 prize each of the last four years.
Dewey has invented his own fish bait, its a crazy idea that involves electricity and a pickle. Dewey thinks that by winning the contest with his own fish bait, he will achieve the same fame and fortune that Jimmy has.
Before he can compete in the contest, Dewey must first come up with the $200 entry fee. He gets the chance to earn the money by watching over a group of eccentric senior citizens. The seniors have been living under an abusive caretaker at a run-down assisted living home. When Dewey takes charge, his slacker style and free wheeling attitude gives the seniors a new outlook on life.
When an attractive counselor named Monica shows up at the home, she is impressed at the changes that Dewey has unwittingly made in the lives of the seniors. She mistakes Dewey for a seasoned caretaker who loves to do humanitarian work. Dewey seeks to impress Monica further and offers to take everyone fishing on his boat.
As they all go fishing, comedy ensues - tragedy strikes - and Dewey discovers that his dream of winning the fishing tournament may not be the most important thing in life after all.
* Derek Haugen as Dewey Winfield
* Allyson Sereboff as Monica
* Tim Whittet as Jimmy Valentine
* Peter Vander Meulen as Billy
* Michael London as Eugene
* Bill Fox as Clay
* Matt Cohen as Mayor
* Paul James Saunders as Bernie
* Arlan Godthaab as Henry
* Gary Dion as The General
* John Samaha as Willie / Mama Bear
* Sandra Weston as Agnes
* Willow Hale as Luann
* Theresa Marie Lynch as Summer
* Michael Langenbach as David Monroe
* Lilit Alexandrian as Marla
Critical reception
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