Assertion reaction paradigm

The Assertion Reaction Paradigm first proposed by J.P. Hollings January 2009 is concerned with the relationship between assertion and the associated reaction in upward management. The Paradigm is a tool to help moderate over reaction in hierarchical management structure where assertion is used at the lower levels to manipulate the upper levels.
If body (a) seeks to manage body (b), but body (a) is positioned below body (b) in the management hierarchy that body must be aware that over assertion will lead to a reaction or backlash. The Assertion Reaction Paradigm keeps balance between assertiveness and a predicted level of reaction from the upper levels of the hierarchy. It is important that a given assertion does not tip the balance and lead to a negative over reaction. Using simple techniques to predict and gauge a reaction the assertion can be tailored to a particular scenario or individual with the ultimate aim of extracting maximum gain.
Mr X wants to book a holiday at short notice, but his line manager Mr Y keeps a tight control on the holiday roster and does not like short notice bookings which might compromise the performance of his department. Mr X must assert him self if he is to be successful in securing his booking, but at the same time must be mindful of the likely reaction from Mr Y. By predicting the likely reaction from Mr Y, Mr X can plan his assertion carefully and pre-empt Mr Y's reaction, thus extracting maximum gain from the situation.
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