Artoose Collective

The Artoose Collective is the name given to a group of nine artists based in the UK, set up in 2004 by artists Kit Glaisyer and Douglas McDougall.

The Collective evolved from the Artoose Gallery project, set up by McDougall and Glaisyer in Howitt Road, Belsize Park, in North London in 2002. The Gallery was an artist-run space, and ran a series of exhibitions and open events for two years. It was then decided to close the Gallery, and to transform into a Collective, based around the existing Internet site, and to focus on the promotion of a key group of the most dedicated artists associated with the project.

The Collective exists purely for the benefit of the member artists, and was not created to represent a particular theme or vision, though in due course it is recognised that certain shared values and ideals will be attributed to the artists within it.

Artists in the Artoose Collective

* Daniel Bendel
* Frank Fischer
* Kit Glaisyer
* Steph Goodger
* Rufus Knightwebb
* Linzi Light
* Douglas McDougall
* Yuko Moriyama
* James Ursell
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