Article video marketing

Article video marketing is a type of content marketing and advertising in which business create 30 seconds to 5-minute videos about specific topics. The videos are then uploaded to various video sharing websites like YouTube for distribution and exposure.
Converting articles into videos
There are several ways to turn articles into videos. The most traditional way is by creating a PowerPoint presentation of the original article, which is basically transforming the article text into an animated slideshow. Relevant pictures are then added to the slideshow and voice is recorded over each slide to create a voice-over narration for the video. Finally, the presentation is recorded using a screen capture software like Camtasia and the slideshow is now turned into a video that can be uploaded to a video sharing site like YouTube for sharing.
Article video marketing is an extension of Article marketing but serves as an alternate medium for businesses to convey their message to a wider audience, and get more exposure. Being an audio-visual medium, articles turned into videos also reduce the time required to read the articles.
Related tools
*Microsoft PowerPoint
*Windows Movie Maker
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